【1167期】 10月10日微观经济学学术讲座:Information Discrimination Through Market Segmentation(孟德隆,助理教授,上海交通大学)


【主题Information Discrimination Through Market Segmentation





【摘要】We study the welfare consequences of third-degree information discrimination. A sender persuades a receiver to take a costly action (out of two possible actions). The receiver's cost is her private information, and the sender observes a signal about this cost before disclosing information to the receiver.  We map information discrimination (with two actions and linear utilities) to price discrimination with a lower bound on transfers.  Market segmentation generally fails to restore efficiency, due to heterogeneous tax rates and horizontal differentiation.  The receiver-optimal segmentation might strictly increase the sender's payoff relative to the initial market.  Finally two byproducts of our study include ironing as concavification and public persuasion as a posted price.

报告人简介孟德隆,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院助理教授,美国斯坦福大学经济学博士。主要研究领域为微观经济学,行为经济学,政治经济学。学术成果发表于Journal of Economic TheoryJournal of Mathematical Economics
